河南中医药大学国际教育学院 | |
河南省是华夏文明的摇篮,是中医药的主要发源地,是中医医圣张仲景的故乡。《黄帝内经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》主要都在此完成。河南盛产中药材,有2780多种,品种数及产量居全国第三位。此外,也是陈氏太极拳的发源地。 河南中医药大学位于河南省郑州市,创建于1958年,是河南省人民政府和国家中医药管理局共建高校、国家中西部高等教育振兴计划高校、教育部中国政府奖学金生培养高校,是河南省中医药人才培养、科技创新、医疗及社会服务和文化传承的龙头和中心。60年来,学校已由单一的中医药学科发展为医、理、管、工、文等多学科协调发展,涵盖本科、研究生(博士、硕士)、留学生、继续教育等多个培养类别的综合性中医药大学。学校现有4个校区,占地面积1594.94亩,在校生19000余人,下设有17个院(部、中心)。开设有中医学、针灸推拿学、中西医临床医学、预防医学、护理学、康复治疗学、中药学等24个本科专业,57个硕士专业和14个博士专业,以中医学、中药学专业为主体。学校下设3所直属附属医院,129个教学实习基地,有国家级重点专科(专病)35个。学校目前与世界近50所大学、科研与医疗机构、企业等广泛开展了人才培养、科学研究、医疗服务、产品研发等多方面的合作与交流。 河南中医药大学留学生教育始于1993年,是中国教育部首批批准具有招收留学生资格的高等院校。目前开展有中医学、中药学、针灸推拿学等本科、硕士研究生及博士研究生等的学历教育、短期进修学习和汉语培训。中医—针灸—养生—武术—禅修等综合性学习是河南中医学院留学生教育的特色。培养的留学生主要来自韩国、加拿大、澳大利亚、美国、瑞士、意大利、俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦、奥地利、匈牙利、新西兰、马来西亚、日本、德国等国家。国际教育学院负责留学生的招生与教学,曾多次获得全国“来华留学生教育管理先进集体”称号。2013年在中国教育部国际合作与交流司主办的 “留动中国——在华留学生阳光运动文化之旅”活动中,河南中医药大学为晋级全国总决赛的唯一一所中医药院校。 Henan is the cradle of Chinese nation and Chinese culture. Henan university of Chinese medicine was established in 1958, formerly Henan provincial training college of Traditional Chinese Medicine, originated in1955 in Kaifeng City. As the second batch of national colleges and universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine, HUCM has 4 campuses with an area of 262.75 acres. The university was listed in Midwestern Higher Education Revitalization Plan, co-sponsored university by province and ministry, the first batch of university conferring Master’s Degree, enrolling students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and also from overseas. HUCM achieved excellent prize in Assessment of Work Level of Undergraduate Teaching in Colleges and Universities by Ministry of Education. HUCM was designated to encourage overseas students getting Chinese Government Scholarship and confers doctor degree. Following the guide of the law of higher education and the development of higher education of Chinese medicine, by improving the structure of academic disciplines, the university has developed into the formation of a multidisciplinary coordinated development of the school structure with coordinated multi-disciplinary educational programs in medicine, technology, management, engineering and art with traditional Chinese medicine as the main body. There is a competent and excellent teaching faculty in HUCM, and among them, 4 were awarded national great master of TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine), 1 candidate for New Century Talents Project, and three candidates for National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program. Forty-four scholars at home and abroad employed as tenured professor, chair professor. There are twenty-four key disciplines approved by state administration of TCM and 1 advanced characteristic discipline of Henan province. HUCM consists of 18 schools(departments and centers) including School of Basic medicine, School of pharmacy,No.1 clinical medical school. The university has 24 majors conferring bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctor degree and been approved as post doctoral research station, which has developed into a complete system of training TCM talent guidelines. Recruiting students from more than thirty provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan in China and abroad, HUCM has over 19,000 full-time students and cultivated over 90,000 talents of Chinese medicine for the society. The university library has a collection of 1,600,000 books. There are three directly affiliated hospitals, 7 indirectly affiliated hospitals and 127training bases. Due to the emphasis of teaching and research, the university has owned twenty-nine provincial-level scientific and research platforms including international science and technology base of Ministry of Science and Technology, State clinical research base of TCM. In recent years, the university has won four National Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology. The theoretical research and clinical efficacy of TCM in the prevention and treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, the prevention and treatment of AIDS of traditional Chinese medicine, the academic level and comprehensive strength of TCM Pediatrics take the lead in China. HUCM has developed international cooperation and communication for over thirty years with nearly fifty universities, research and medical institutions, companies in talent cultivation, scientific research, medical service, research and development of products and so on .As the international base of the “Belt and Road ”initiative for the inherence of Chinese medicine and minimally invasive treatment (acupuncture and needle treatment) approved by state administration of TCM, HUCM is the first university of Chinese medicine starting overseas educational program. | |